Date posted: 02/12/2013

Audience: This Notice will be of particular interest to:

  • HR Managers and Shared Services providers
  • Payroll Managers


  • To note that the specification for increasing employees contributions and alert payrolls about the upcoming changes contained in EPN347 Annex A remains unchanged

Timing: Immediate – employers must arrange for the increased contributions to take effect from April 2014

  1. Background

    The Cabinet Office has consulted the Civil Service Trades Unions about further changes to employee pension contributions. Employees will see their contributions increase again in April 2014. The Cabinet Office announced this increase directly to some civil servants by e-mail. However, we are aware that some civil servants did not receive the Cabinet Office’s e-mail. Furthermore, as many scheme members are not civil servants the Cabinet Office will not have included them in their e-mail distribution. So all our membership are fully informed about the changes to their contribution rates Civil Service pension employers must make the announcement available on their intranets or by other established communication method. The announcement is at Annex A to this notice.
  2. As with previous years employers will have to ask their payroll providers to implement the contribution increase. The method of determining an employee’s contribution rate remains unchanged from the specification issued as Annex A to EPN347.
  3. An updated questions and answers about the increase in contribution can be found on the Civil Service website.


Enquiries regarding content please refer to Scheme Management Executive


2 December 2013
Last updated:
24 April 2023