Date posted: 04/12/2020


  • Pension leads
  • IT managers
  • HR managers
  • Communication managers, leads, BPs


  • To note the feedback from PAW 2020 and the Live@Lunch sessions
  • To note the timing of live member engagement events in 2021
  • To work alongside your IT department to confirm your organisation’s access to the websites listed below
  • To advise the Scheme Administrator (MyCSP) of your IT requirements by emailing
  • To note the deadline to provide this information


  • Immediate


1. As you’ll know, each year we deliver a week-long celebration of pensions called Pension Awareness Week (PAW).

2. PAW is a key event in our member engagement calendar and is designed to help members value and understand their pension and plan for their retirement.

3. Usually, PAW is hosted at employer sites across the country, but due to COVID-19 that was not possible this year. Instead, we delivered PAW as a virtual, online event and members were invited to take part remotely.

4. During PAW, we signposted members to our digital offering and streamed a daily, live event called Live@Lunch. If you missed the Live@Lunch sessions first time round, you can still watch them on Catch Up.

The impact of PAW 2020

5. Analysis shows that members were actively engaged during this year’s PAW, which led to an increase in key activities. For example:

  • during PAW, the dedicated webpage had over 11,000 views and the number of website user sessions on the scheme website increased by 20%
  • an average of 1,000 members tuned in each day to view the live streams; and there was significant increase in the following activities: 
Activity Increase
Views of the Pension Portal registration video 73.89%
Pension Portal registrations 34.03%
Retirement Modeller calculations 29.52%

Member feedback on live sessions 

6. Following PAW, we issued a survey to members who had attended Live@Lunch sessions and we received the following feedback.

  • 87% of respondents were either very satisfied or satisfied with the Live@Lunch sessions.
  • 89% of survey respondents told us the sessions had helped them to better understand their pension benefits. 
  • 97% of respondents answered ‘Yes’ when asked if they would like to attend more Live@Lunch sessions. 

Preparing for live events in 2021

7. Given the feedback on Live@Lunch, we plan to deliver additional Live@Lunch events throughout 2021. The first of which will be in March 2021 (date TBC).

8. These standalone sessions will be delivered in the same way, and each one will focus on a key pension topic (TBC).

9. We want as many members as possible to be able to access Live@Lunch during lunchtime on their work devices.

10. Whilst we appreciate that your IT security may prevent your staff from accessing external websites, we’d be grateful if you could contact your IT department to confirm if they can access the following websites using their work devices and IT network:

11. Once you’ve spoken to your IT lead, please email your response (confirming your ability to access the sites, or not), along with your name, job title and your employer’s name to: by 18 December 2020.  

12. This information will help us to determine how best to deliver Live@Lunch sessions to members in your organisation, to ensure no one misses out on these events next year.

13. For more information about PAW or Live@Lunch, or if you have a question about anything in this EPN, please contact


If you have a question about the distribution of EPNs, or would like to receive them in a different format, please contact

You can find electronic copies of the Employer Pension Guide, all current EPNs and forms in the Employer section of the Civil Service Pensions website.

This notice is for employers and should not be issued to scheme members.

Members can find information about their pension by visiting the member's section.

4 December 2020
Last updated:
24 April 2023