A statement of work (SOW) is categorised as a request from an Employer for a certain task to be carried out by MyCSP that does not fall within the contracted administration services that MyCSP provide to Cabinet Office as Scheme Manager for the Civil Service Pension Arrangements.
If you would like to discuss any tasks you think might be outside of the Civil Service Pension Scheme contracted administration services, please contact your Employer Relationship Manager.
MyCSP can also do consultancy work for By Analogy Schemes. These schemes are not covered by the main contract with Cabinet Office, so would be actioned under a letter of engagement.
MyCSP can do the following By Analogy Work under a Letter of engagement:
Calculation of annual Pension increases.
Pension benefit calculations
Member retiring from Deferred status
Calculation of spouse pension following a members passing
If you require help with your By Analogy Scheme then please email our consultancy team at consultancy@mycsp.co.uk or call 0203 997 5076.