Date posted: 30/11/2017


  • Pension leads
  • HR Managers
  • Staff who submit requests for member services to MyCSP
  • Staff who manage a shared service or payroll provider who submit requests on the employer’s behalf


  • We are introducing a new Request for Services (RFS) form to replace a number of forms used to request member services.
  • The new RFS form will be available from 4 December 2017, but you will be able to make requests using the current forms until 4 March 2018.
  • From 5 March 2018, requests for the member services listed in the Detail section (below) must be made using the new RFS form.
  • Awareness sessions and online guidance (insert link to webpages) will be provided to support you during the transition.


  • To be aware of the new format for requesting member services. 
  • If a third party provides your request for services forms, you will need to manage the transition to the new RFS form.
  • To note key dates of the new RFS form launch.
  • To note the support available to you during the transition period. 


  • Immediate.


1. We developed the RFS form to streamline the request for services process.

2. The RFS form replaces the following forms:

  • A death benefits estimate
  • An efficiency dismissal with compensation estimate
  • An ill-health retirement estimate
  • A sick pay at pension rate estimate
  • A Normal Pension Age (NPA) retirement quote
  • A death in service notification
  • A divorce quote
  • An Actuarially Reduced Retirement (ARR) quote
  • An efficiency dismissal with compensation quote
  • An efficiency dismissal quote without compensation, for a member who has two or more years’ service
  • An efficiency dismissal quote without compensation, for a member who has less than two years’ service
  • An ill-health retirement quote
  • A leaver quote for a member who has two or more years’ service
  • A leaver quote for a member who has less than two years’ service
  • Early payment of preserved award (on ill-health grounds) quote

3. Dedicated webpages contain information about how to complete the RFS form, technical guidance and a set of frequently asked questions (FAQ’s).

The website link to use from 4 December 2017 is

Features of the RFS form

4. The new RFS form has the following features and benefits:

  • Validations and Mandatory fields mean that you can only submit the form once it contains all of the information required for processing.
  • Advisory notes will help you to complete the form correctly and advise you if additional documents are required.

Support available to you

Awareness sessions

5. Free teleconferences will be available to employers and shared service providers during the transition period. Dates and times of the sessions are:


Session times

7 December


12 December


14 December


18 December


6. To book your place, please email: (for secure email addresses) or for all non secure email addresses

Further support

7. If you have a query about the new RFS form, you can either call the Employer helpline on 0300 123 1040, or contact your Civil Service Pensions Service Delivery Manager.

Other information

If you have a question about the distribution of EPNs contact

You can find electronic copies of the Employer Pension Guide, all current EPNs and forms on our website.

This notice is for employers and Shared Service Providers and should not be issued to scheme members.

If members need information about their pension, they can find it at Civil Service Pension Scheme website.

30 November 2017
Last updated:
24 April 2023