Member records

5.2.1 You must agree with the Scheme Administrator the arrangements for telling them about changes in a member’s circumstances. You must pass on to the Scheme Administrator any information that may affect a member’s pension. This includes:

  • change of address;
  • member’s unpaid leave and absences;
  • if a member enters in to a civil partnership or marriage, becomes divorced or widowed;
  • where the member is unpaid but is treated as receiving assumed/notional pay;
  • if they work part time or change their working hours;
  • if they go on secondment;
  • if they stop paying AVCs;
  • if they have a retrospective pay award you should tell the Scheme Administrator the effective date of the salary increase.

This means you must have a procedure in place to monitor changes in members’ conditions of service or personal circumstances. This is important because any change may affect the member’s scheme membership or benefits.

5.2.2 You have a responsibility to send the Scheme Administrator accurate and up to date data. The Scheme Administrator cannot give members correct pension information if the records they hold are incomplete, incorrect or out of date. The arrangements you agree with the Scheme Administrator must give them member details that are robust enough to minimise the chance of an error. Section 8 ‘Compendia, payroll and data responsibilities’ gives more details about your responsibility for data accuracy. The employer page of the website ‘Your Monthly Interface’ provides support on how the data is transferred to the Scheme Administrator.

5.2.3 Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), all organisations have to have a data retention policy which must be communicated to individuals at the point personal data is collected from them.

4 January 2022
Last updated:
29 September 2022