“So, what do you do?”  

It’s often the first question we ask when we meet someone new, and it can tell a lot about who they are… or can it?  

Cilla Christmas (Valuation & Strategic Review Manager and Co-Chair of the Civil Service Carers Network) returns to the podcast to discuss the idea that our jobs can be a defining part of our identity.  

Rob shares his experience of being furloughed in 2020 during the first COVID19 lockdown, and how even for that short period, without work, he questioned who he was.  

With many people working remotely, the lines between work life and home life are more blurred than ever. So when it comes to leaving work behind for good, how do we avoid an identity crisis? Could Partial retirement be the answer?  

Leaving work behind for good may be a daunting prospect, but it should also be a wonderful opportunity to re-discover your passions. Cilla reminds us why planning and preparing for your retirement years is so important.  

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22 August 2023
Last updated:
12 October 2023