Benefits for your family and loved ones

The Civil Service Pensions arrangements don’t just provide pension benefits. In certain circumstances, they also provide benefits after your death for your loved ones.  

Some of the other benefits a Civil Service pension offers your loved ones and dependants include:  

  • A spouse/partner/civil partner’s pension 
  • A death benefit lump sum 
  • A children's pension 
  • A Widow’s or Widower’s (WPS) refund 
  • Life assurance cover 
  • Support from our trusted charity partner 
Tell us someone has died

Tell us someone has died

When a pension scheme member dies, their loved ones may be entitled to benefits. Get a step-by-step guide on what to do here

Trusted charity partners

Trusted charity partners

We have partnerships with a range of charities to help you deal with life's little challenges.

It's here! Season 3 of the scheme podcast launches today

The Civil Service Pensions Podcast will help you get to grips with your pension and make more informed choices about your financial future, whatever stage of life you're at.

Podcast Headphone Blueyellow
6 December 2021
Last updated:
8 September 2022