Some other pension schemes either use the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (PCSPS) rules as a basis for their own arrangements, or use the PCSPS rules with modifications.
Below is a list of current by-analogy schemes and former by-analogy schemes.
Schemes by-analogy to the PCSPS
Schemes whose documentation states that they use the PCSPS rules, even if that same documentation also states that certain exceptions and modifications (as listed) shall have effect. This direct link to PCSPS rules means that by-analogy schemes automatically take on board changes in PCSPS rules.
Current by-analogy schemes
Army Sports Control Board
Church Commissioners
Government Communications Bureau
Greenwich Hospital
Horticulture Research International
Immigration Appeal Adjudicators
Law Commissioners
RAF Sports Board
Research Councils Pension Scheme
Royal Navy/Royal Marine Sports Control Board
Royal Household
Scottish Executive Rural Affairs Dept. Scheme
Former by-analogy schemes
Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct
Anglo Taiwan Trade Committee
British Library
British Overseas Trade Group for Israel
Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC)
Chequers Estate Trust
China Britain Business Council (Sino-British Trade Council
Commissioners of Irish Lights
Committee for Middle East Trade
Community Industry
Countryside Council for Wales
Crown Estate Office
Duchy of Lancaster
East European Trade Council
English Heritage (Hist Bldngs & Mnmnts Comm for Eng)
English Nature (Nature Conservancy Council for England)
Football Licensing Authority
Foreign Compensation Commission
Forestry Commission
Further Education Unit
Gas Consumer Council
Great Britain-China Centre
House of Commons Staff
House of Lords staff scheme
Horticultural Research International (HRI)
Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority
Latin American Trade Advisory Group (LATAG)
Library and Information Commission
London Transport Users’ Committee (LTUC)
Metropolitan Police Civil Staffs
National Consumer Council (NCC)
National Heritage Memorial Fund
National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB)
Northern Lighthouse Board
Office of Data Protection Registrar
Post Office Users’ Council for Northern Ireland
Post Office Users’ Council for Scotland
Post Office Users’ Council for Wales
Post Office Users’ National Council
Registrar of Public Lending Right (PLR)
Rural Development Commission
Trinity House Lighthouse Service
Scottish Natural Heritage
Simpler Trade Procedures Board (SITPRO)
Sir John Soane’s Museum
Schemes ‘analogous’ to the PCSPS
Schemes that base their rules on the PCSPS rules and amend their equivalent rules only if and when they decide to follow changes to PCSPS rules.
Analogous schemes
PCSPS (Northern Ireland)