Why does your pension matter?

Did you know that retirement could make up a whopping one third of your entire life? That's a whole lot of time to enjoy the things you love. Retirement's your chance to embrace life after work and delve into your passions. Your Civil Service pension is your golden ticket to your "pension passion." The sooner you start thinking about your retirement, the more time you'll have to plan how to make the most of it.  

Our members share their pension passions and how they're planning to enjoy their retirement. Take a moment today to reflect on how you envision spending your retirement and estimate how much you might need. 

Alongside your salary, your pension is one of the biggest benefits of joining the Civil Service. But guess what? It's not just about the income you'll receive when you retire as there's a basket of benefits too.

Scheme benefits

Scheme benefits

Do you know the basket of benefits, including tax relief on contributions, generous employer input, and life assurance coverage, you get as part of your Pension?

Members like you

Members like you

Take a look at real life Pension scheme members who have joined the scheme, started their journey and give real life accounts of their choices on joining the scheme

Don't put it off

Don't put it off

Pensions can often feel complicated or boring which puts people off looking at and investing time in them. Hear from the MyCSP Communications team on how to stay engaged with your pension.

Navigating your options

Joining the Civil Service opens up two exciting pension pathways: alpha and Partnership Pension Account scheme.  You're automatically enrolled in alpha when you join, but the power is in your hands to switch to Partnership should you feel you need to.   

To make your choice, simply complete the Pension Choices form in your New Starter Pack and send it back to the address on the form.  

Partnership is like a defined contribution scheme - what you get in the end depends on your contributions and how your pension fund grows. While you can contribute as much or as little as you want, your employer's contribution matches up to 3%. 

Curious about the differences between alpha and partnership?

Young Black Man Looking At Laptop

5 Must-dos after joining

If you've got a pension from a previous job outside the Civil Service, you might be able to transfer it into your Civil Service alpha pension. Keep everything under one roof and make retirement prep a breeze!

This is your pension command centre! After registering, you'll access your benefit statements, a retirement modeller, and tools to manage your personal details.


In case of the unexpected, ensure your loved ones receive your benefits. Add or change beneficiaries via the Pension Portal or a nomination form. 

If we don't hold a valid nomination for you, we'll pay your lump sum benefit to your personal representative(s). This is the person or people who deal with your financial matters after your death.  


Get all the info you need about your Civil Service Pension in just one hour. Check out our quick video intro and secure your spot.



Your go-to hub for forms, guides, calculators, and scheme info. It's user-friendly and written in plain English. 

Ready to embark?

Download the Pensions Passport and tick off tasks as you go. It's your roadmap to a hassle-free pension journey!


Get tuned in!

Prefer listening over reading? Tune in to our new podcast series dedicated to your Civil Service pension. With insightful guests, member stories, and entertaining content, it's your ultimate guide to navigating your pension like a pro. Don't miss out – listen and subscribe now! 


Girl on mobile device

Watch again now and unlock the power of your pension.

In this hour-long Starting Your Journey session, our experts covered the following topics:

  • Why your Civil Service pension is important
  • Your options after joining the scheme – including transferring in, and the partnership scheme
  • Things you should do after joining the Civil Service pension scheme
  • The benefits of the alpha pension scheme